CBA & YLS Committee Descriptions

Following is a list of CBA and YLS committee descriptions. Committees are open to all CBA members at no additional cost. To learn more or join a committee(s) (and receive email notice of future meetings), visit

CBA Practice Area Committees:

Administrative Law
The Administrative Law Committee studies, discusses and makes recommendations on matters involving; (1) the procedures employed by administrative agencies relative to rules, rates, licensing and adjudicatory proceedings; and (2) the methods for obtaining judicial review of those procedures. It serves as a method of updating its members on developments in administrative law, with particular concern about areas of fundamental fairness in adjudicatory proceedings.

Adoption Law
The Adoption Law Committee is concerned with law and procedures relating to adoptions.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee is concerned with the uses and application of arbitration, mediation, conciliation, mini-trials and other alternate dispute resolution mechanisms. Additionally, the committee acts as a clearinghouse for information regarding training sessions for mediators and arbitrators. 

Animal Law
Animal law is a steadily growing practice area. It covers many topics, including criminal and tort issues, such as animal cruelty, wrongful killing, veterinary malpractice, dog bite defense, and the like; divorce issues including which party gains custody over a companion animal(s): transactional issues such as estate planning, corporate issues such as regulatory compliance and constitutional issues such as standing. The purpose of the committee is to both raise awareness of animal law issues as well as hopefully have a positive impact on the ability of the legal system to deal with these concerns. 

Antitrust Law
The Antitrust Law Committee is concerned with new developments in substantive antitrust law through legislation, court decisions and other pronouncements, with developments in civil and criminal enforcement, and with enhancing litigation and counseling practice skills. The Health Law/Antitrust Subcommittee of the Antitrust Law Committee monitors recent developments in the application of antitrust laws to the health care industry and evaluates the antitrust issues related to health care legislation and related developments. 

Asset Protection
The Asset Protection Committee encompasses the following subjects: (1) Asset protection from estate taxes in Estate Planning including the use of the marital deduction unified credit trusts, irrevocable life insurance trusts, special needs trusts and supplemental needs trusts as well as prenuptial agreements. (2) Asset protection from creditors by using Family Limited Partnerships (FLIPS), the homestead exemption and others available in bankruptcy and the spouse as a creditor in a divorce and other situations. (3) Asset protection by corporations through the use of buy-sell agreements, limited liability corporations and the like. 

Aviation Law
Aviation Law encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary skills. Administrative, tort contract and international law are just a few of the skill areas that may be required in an aviation case. This committee will serve as an interactive forum for all attorneys to become conversant and develop expertise in the factors peculiar to successful aviation practice, to stay current in this rapidly changing environment, and offer a varied program of luncheon speakers. These guests will be invited from the FAA, TSA, NTSB, industry corporations, and individual experts in fields such as meteorology and manufacturing. They will present their roles in the aviation community, what services they offer to attorneys, and answer questions. 

Bankruptcy and Reorganization
The Bankruptcy & Reorganization Committee considers matters relating to the United States Bankruptcy Code (the Code) and its administration, including the rules of bankruptcy procedure and the local bankruptcy rules. Equal attention is given to problems arising under the reorganization provisions and the consumer bankruptcy provisions of the Code. The educational programs sponsored by the Committee address all types of proceedings under the Code, dealings with the United States Trustee, receiverships, assignments for the benefit of creditors, compositions and extensions, insolvencies and liquidations.

Business Law
The Business Law Committee addresses issues pertaining to the operation and formation of business entities including corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and other entities operating businesses. Committee and subcommittee meetings feature presentations by knowledgeable speakers and updates on legislative and case law developments. Members are encouraged to participate in both the main committee as well as subcommittees of interest. The current subcommittees consist of the following: (1) Mergers and Acquisitions, (2) Corporate Documentation: Forms & Best Drafting Practices, and (3) Private Equity.

Business Divorce and Complex Ownership Disputes
The Business Divorce and Complex Ownership Disputes Committee addresses transactional and litigation issues that arise when the relationships among owners of business organizations, large and small, break down to the point where a business separation and/or a lawsuit are the only practical solutions. Squeeze-outs, freeze-outs, shareholder rights, oppression, deadlock, dissolution, court-ordered buyouts and other alternative remedies, business valuations, and contests for corporate control are just some of the topics that are regularly addressed. The committee's focus is "cross-disciplinary" - with content, speakers and discussions of interest for both business lawyers and trial attorneys. The committee studies practice under the various business entity statutes (primarily Illinois and Delaware), keeps members informed of case law and statutory developments, and makes recommendations for changes in the law, including those related to civil practice.

Business Law - Mergers & Acquisitions Subcommittee
The Mergers & Acquisitions Subcommittee focuses on strategic company transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures, mergers restructurings and joint ventures. Speakers at monthly meetings include attorneys and other M&A professionals who present on a variety of topics. The Subcommittee welcomes all CBA members, whatever their practice focus, who are interested in increasing their substantive M&A knowledge and gaining valuable practice tips.

Business Law, Drafting & Negotiating Subcommittee
This Subcommittee helps business law attorneys craft better transactions. Each month, we focus on a specific topic. Speakers provide form documents and sample clauses as well as key insights into pitfalls and opportunities for a given issue. Participants gain practical tips for negotiating terms, drafting agreements, or structuring transactions. 

Civil Practice
The Civil Practice Committee is actively engaged in proposing, studying, and reporting to the Association's Board of Managers on proposed + legislation and rules relating to civil practice in the State courts in Illinois. The committee's focus is on the Code of Civil Procedure, the Supreme Court Rules, and the Rules of the Circuit Court of Cook County, although the committee also is involved in issues affecting the judicial system generally. In part, the committee acts as gatekeeper, monitoring proposed legislation and amendments to court rules and recommending that the Association, through its Board of Managers, support or oppose such proposals as appropriate. In part, the committee is the progenitor of changes in the Code of Civil Procedure and court rules, developing proposals of its own and, subject to approval of such proposals by the Association's Board of Managers, following such proposals through to enactment. 

Civil Rights and Constitutional Law
The Committee focuses on recent developments in state and federal constitutional law, civil liberties, and civil rights litigation, including matters before the EEOC and the Illinois Human Rights Commission. The Committee invites speakers to its monthly meetings to address topical legal issues, and welcomes practitioners, as well as attorneys, judges, professors, and law students who share an interest in civil rights, civil liberties, and constitutional law. 

Class Action
The Class Action Committee is concerned with the substantive and procedural aspects of class litigation in state and federal courts. 
Commercial Finance and Transactions The Commercial Finance & Transactions Committee concentrates on legal issues involved in finance transactions and private placements, from simple loans to complex asset securitizations. The committee makes a continuing study of the Uniform Commercial Code and of other laws and cases bearing upon commercial contracts and credit. The committee's principal goal is to educate its members and keep them current on developments in commercial finance law. From time to time, the committee will also recommend and sponsor changes in Illinois and federal law relating to commercial finance. 

Commercial Litigation
The Commercial Litigation Committee will bring together lawyers and judges who handle business and commercial litigation matters in the Law and Chancery Divisions of the Circuit Court of Cook County. The Committee will provide a vehicle for communication and mutual input and feedback between practitioners and judges; assist judges and practitioners in establishing procedures, including uniform procedures where feasible and appropriate, to facilitate the handling of business and commercial litigation; and provide an educational forum for the bench and bar on topics of interest and concern to business and commercial law practitioners, litigators and judges. The Committee hopes to explore issues pertaining to discovery and discovery disputes in business and commercial cases, evaluate whether business and commercial cases are being handled efficiently and what might be done to improve efficiency and disposition rates, and examine whether litigation habits and mindsets are impeding the effective processing and resolution of business and commercial litigation, and if so, what can be done about it. The Committee will particularly focus on handling the rise of e-discovery, wider dissemination of written opinions, and mechanisms for avoiding discovery abuse. If time allows, the Committee may also consider the desirability of substantive or procedural changes in business and commercial statutes and key case law doctrines, including the Residential Real Estate Disclosure Act, the Consumer Fraud Act, and the Moorman Doctrine. 

Consumer Credit
The Consumer Credit Committee seeks; (1) to keep its members informed regarding existing and proposed laws and regulations concerning consumer financial services on the federal, state and local levels and court decisions related thereto; and (2) to further public awareness of consumer financial services.

Consumer Law
The Consumer Law Committee focuses on the investigation, prosecution and defense of cases involving consumer protection law. The emphasis of the Committee will be on consumer fraud litigation involving all types of transactions. Monthly speakers will include judges, recognized consumer trial lawyers, representatives from city, state and federal prosecution agencies and departments, investigative news reporters and litigation services providers who will offer practical advice that will benefit your practice. Speakers will cover topics such as consumer scams, investigating consumer cases, pleading discovery and evidentiary issues in specific actions under consumer protection statutes, class action litigation, successful attorney fee petitions, opposing fee petitions and in-depth presentations on particular types of consumer actions. 

Criminal Law
The Criminal Law Committee is concerned with a continuous review of the criminal justice system (including the public defender system) from the standpoints of the prevention of crime, the detection of crime, the apprehension of the offender, the operation of the judicial process until determination of guilt, disposition of the offender, operation of the correctional process and the restoration of the offender into society. 

Cyber Law and Data Privacy
The Cyber Law and Data Privacy Committee tracks and studies developments in the legal environment related to computers, the Internet privacy, data security and other aspects of information technology. The Committee focuses on substantive law issues, such as the acquisition, licensing or other transfer of technology; electronic communication and transaction issues; security issues; data privacy; property rights in information; regulation of the Internet; computer crimes; ethical issues and other legal matters and needs related to the information technology industry and the expanding Internet environment.

Domestic Relations
The Domestic Relations Committee considers matters regarding dissolution of marriage and civil unions, paternity, custody, child support, legal separation and related matters. It studies existing statutes and proposed legislation on these subjects, rules of court relating thereto and initiates and makes recommendation with respect thereto. It also concerns itself with procedural and administrative matters relating to marital actions and civil unions and maintains a continuing dialogue and liaison with the Judges of the Domestic Relations Division regarding these matters, with a view to improve court services and sensitivity. We are active in our support of pro bono and legal services providers. In 1997, the committee instituted the Volunteer Court Facilitator Program which has greatly assisted the Post Decree Courts. In addition to meeting as a whole, members may choose to participate in any of three subcommittees which address various substantive issues. Full descriptions of these subcommittees will be sent to all members applying for the committee. 

Domestic Relations - Collaborative Law Subcommittee

Domestic Relations - Domestic Violence

Domestic Relations - Legislation

Elder Law
The Elder Law Committee, focusing on older adults, will provide CBA members with an opportunity to hear presentations by experts in this rapidly changing substantive practice area. The expansive scope of the committee will include legal issues ranging from estate planning to medical treatment and medicare/public aid qualifications. 

Election Law
The Election Law Committee is concerned with all aspects of federal, state and local election law. It studies, analyzes and where appropriate recommends changes in statutes and administrative procedures governing all facets of election law, including challenges, financial disclosures, limitations on contributions, and post-election canvasses and recounts. In addition to acting as a clearinghouse for election law-related information, the committee provides a forum for constructive discussion among government, the judiciary and the bar on current election law issues in Illinois. 

Employee Benefits
The Employee Benefits Committee addresses legal issues and developments affecting qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, executive compensation plans and programs, as well as welfare and fringe benefit plans for both public and private employers. The Committee also addresses issues relating to the design and implementation of employee benefit plans, including tax issues, ERISA compliance and fiduciary concerns. In the context of its overall responsibilities, this Committee also includes review and analysis of recent employee benefit case law. 

Energy, Telecommunications and Water
The Energy, Telecommunications and Water Committee is concerned with state and federal regulation of electric and natural gas industries, and telecommunications carriers. The committee presents speakers and seminars on recent regulatory developments and also reviews legislative proposals and enactments. Members include attorneys who represent utilities and consumers before the Illinois Commerce Commission, and other lawyers who frequently confront legal issues regarding public utilities and telecommunications carriers. The monthly meetings provide an informal forum for the membership to exchange their different viewpoints. 

Environmental Law
Environmental Law Committee is concerned with the preservation of our environment, particularly, but not limited to, natural resources, water, air and noise pollution. It evaluates and recommends legislation, provides an active and interesting program of luncheon speakers and sponsors the annual Environmental Law Seminar.

Federal Civil Practice
The Federal Civil Practice Committee is aimed at federal judges and lawyers who practice civil litigation in the federal courts. The focuses on (a) practical aspects of federal civil practice and (b) improvement of civil litigation in the federal courts with jurisdiction over Chicago.

Federal Taxation
The Federal Taxation Committee studies the tax laws of the United States, considers regulations and rulings issued pursuant thereto and proposed statutory amendments and comments thereon from time to time. It also addresses the administrative procedures of the Internal Revenue Service and the rules of procedure of the United States Tax Court. Emphasis is placed on educational programs concerning current tax matters. In addition to meeting as a whole, members are requested to participate on one of several divisions which address various substantive issues. 

Federal Taxation - Practice & Procedure Division

Federal Taxation - Exempt Organizations Division

Financial and Emerging Technologies
The Committee will examine, anticipate, and advise on the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues presented by Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), biometries, big data, and other technological developments.

Financial Institutions
The Financial Institutions Committee is concerned with state and federal regulation, legislation and litigation affecting financial institutions such as banks and savings and loan associations and their holding companies' non-banking subsidiaries. It will not, however, deal with laws and regulations relating to trusts, probate and the Uniform Commercial Code covered by other committees of the Association. 

First Municipal District 
The First Municipal District Committee is concerned with the functioning of procedures and miscellaneous matters relating to all districts and divisions of the Municipal and Law Divisions of the Circuit Court of Cook County, including ( First Municipal Sections: Criminal/Civil including Post Judgment, Housing, Eviction - Law Sections: Law Jury, Commercial, Tax and Miscellaneous Remedies and other miscellaneous matters ) proposed legislation, rules and procedures for that division and the inter-relationship of the various governmental agencies affecting the those divisions including the offices of the Clerk and of the Sheriff.

Food Law
The Food Law Committee studies legislative, judicial and administrative developments related to the growing, manufacturing, distribution and sale of food at the federal, state and local levels. The Committee also analyzes and comments upon bills introduced in the Illinois Genveral Assembly, regulatory proposals by Illinois agencies, and new government programs related to food.

Futures and Derivatives Law
The Futures & Derivatives Law Committee reviews the present status of and newest developments in futures and derivatives law; it conducts continuing education and monthly programs on various aspects of futures and derivatives; and it reviews and comments upon proposed legislation and rule changes with respect to futures and derivatives law. 

Gaming Law
The purpose of the Gaming Law Committee is to educate the Chicago Bar Membership on the current and proposed gaming laws relevant to member attorneys in their representation of clients. In addition, the Committee would expand the knowledge of members in an effort to increase compliance on the part of businesses who currently participate or who desire to participate in the gaming industry in Illinois. A secondary purpose will be to increase the membership of the Chicago Bar Association by providing a resource on Gaming Law to licensed attorneys who represent (or who seek to represent) small, medium and large entities in their efforts to participate in gaming in Illinois. 

Health Law
The Health Law Committee is concerned with all legal areas related to the delivery of health care, including corporate concerns of hospitals, medical centers, physicians and other health care providers and the concerns of health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations, integrated delivery systems and other managed care organizations. The committee focuses on the unique legal issues faced by these providers and organizations in the areas of legislation, regulation, contracting, formation, licensing, reimbursement, patient rights, health care directives, employment law and antitrust law. 

Human Trafficking
The Human Trafficking Committee will further the discussion on trafficking within the legal community and outside the legal community. Members will work within the Chicago community by supporting those organizations which directly protect those individuals being trafficked. Meeting dates will be determined.

Immigration and Nationality Law
The Immigration & Nationality Law Committee is concerned with the administration of laws and practices relating to immigration and nationality.

Insurance Law
The Insurance Law Committee studies, recommends and comments on aspects of insurance law, administration and litigation. Our monthly meetings feature presentations by prominent attorneys, insurance professionals and industry regulators. Subcommittees also provide regular reports of insurance case law developments and legislative issues. Special activities include preparation of annual seminars regarding current insurance issues. 

Intellectual Property Law
The Intellectual Property Law Committee is concerned with federal and state litigation and the administration of the laws relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights and unfair trade practices. It also considers proposed changes in the rules of practice before the Patent and Trademark Office and the Copyright Office, applicable laws, treaties, antitrust, industrial design entertainment, franchising and other areas of intellectual and industrial property rights, namely, rights to or under patents, trademarks, copyrights and technical information, including the licensing or sale of those rights and proposed governmental policies and regulations to the extent relevant to those rights. 

International and Foreign Law
The International & Foreign Law Committee deals with both private and public international law, including U.S. and foreign legal aspects of international business transactions, litigation and arbitration, taxation of foreign income, foreign investment laws, treaties, the United Nations and other international organizations. 

Juvenile Law
The Juvenile Law Committee is concerned with substantive law and procedural rules relating to juveniles. The committee deals with all aspects of the law which pertain to persons under the age of twenty-one and their relationship with parents, the community and governmental agencies,including the police, courts and the schools. Special emphasis is placed on the Juvenile Court Act and its provisions regarding the treatment of abused and neglected children and their parents and delinquent children and regulations and legislation which affects the Department of Children and Family Services. The committee's activities include featuring speakers and sponsoring panel discussions on juvenile law related issues at its monthly meetings and studying, analyzing, and commenting upon proposed legislation. 

Labor and Employment Law
The Labor & Employment Law Committee is concerned with all legal issues that arise from or affect the employment relationship, including labor-management relations, personnel policies, discrimination claims and other state and statutory claims affecting employment. The committee also addresses practice and procedures before federal and state agencies, alternative dispute resolution forums, and the courts within which employment issues are resolved.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance
The Legal & Regulatory Compliance Committee aims to provide its membership with updates and education on regulatory compliance and government enforcement across a diverse range of businesses and industries, including financial, consumer goods and services, transportation, healthcare, insurance and energy. The Committee places particular emphasis on issues significant to compliance officers, risk managers, inside and outside counsel, regulatory litigators and trial lawyers.

The LGBT Committee is an inclusive group of professionals and law students whose goal is to increase awareness of legal issues affecting the LGBT community, to encourage involvement in the LGBT community, and to facilitate discussions and strategic initiatives to advance LGBT rights. We work collaboratively with the Illinois State Bar Association's Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as well as the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago (LAGBAC) and we are actively working to coordinate our efforts with other local LGBT organizations to better serve our community at large. The Committee meets on the third Wednesday of every month from September to June, with the exception of December, and holds seminars about current issues affecting LGBT rights. Whether you are LGBT or a straight-ally, a student or professional, a lawyer or non-layer, we encourage and appreciate your support and involvement. 

Local Government
The Local Government Committee deals with legal problems of villages, cities, counties, school districts and other local governmental bodies. 

Media & Entertainment Law
The Media & Entertainment Law Committee focuses on the creation, use, and transfer of artistic, literary, and musical property in all its manifestations. It specifically addresses the legal issues faced by artists, authors, broadcasters, collectors of fine art and cultural property, composers, film makers, literary agents, managers musicians, producers, promoters, and venue owners. 

Mental Health and Disability Law
The Mental Health Law Committee concerns itself with the interpretation and administration of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code and Confidentiality Act. In addition, the committee involves itself in reviewing and discussing other statutes when such statutes overlap with the legal issues involved in representing the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled or their families. 

Modern Law Practice (CBA/YLS)
The Modern Law Practice Committee focuses on the changing nature of the legal profession and the ways attorneys react and adapt to these changes. Through meetings, discussion groups, seminars, and other projects the Modern Law Committee hopes to open up on a conversation on where our profession is going.

Probate Practice
The Probate Practice Committee is concerned with estate and tax planning and property administration, with particular emphasis on probate and probate-substitutes. It studies existing practice and procedures and current developments in estate planning, estate administration and taxation as they apply to decedents, minors and disabled persons. The committee plans and presents semi-annual seminars, assists the Circuit Court's Probate Division in drafting forms and rules of practice and initiates and reviews legislative proposals affecting its areas of concern. 

Probate Practice - Rules and Forms Subcommittee

Real Estate Taxation
The Real Estate Taxation Committee reviews existing laws and proposed legislation relating to the taxation of real property and considers their constitutionality, practicality and administrative feasibility. The committee is vitally interested in the administration and judicial enforcement of these laws and makes recommendations to administrative agencies and the legislature to make the tax more equitable and efficient. The committee also concerns itself directly with assessment, collection and tax sale problems. In addition to meeting as a whole, members may choose to participate in two subcommittees which address specific areas of real estate taxation. Full description of these subcommittees will be sent to all members applying for this committee. 

Real Estate Taxation - Assessment & Appeals Subcommittee

Real Estate Taxation - Tax Sale Tax Deed Subcommittee

Real Property Law
The Real Property Law Committee is involved in all areas of real estate law and practice. Through its subcommittees which meet at least once monthly and the committee as a whole which meets monthly, developments in all areas of real estate law and practice are studied, and 
legislative changes suggested. Members are kept advised of recent developments by regular CLE programs, committee programs and a newsletter.

Real Property Law - Condominium Subcommittee

Real Property Law - Construction Law & Mechanics Lien Subcommittee

Real Property Law – Construction Contracts Subcommittee

Real Property Law – Landlord & Tenant Subcommittee

Real Property Law – Title Insurance Subcommittee

Regulatory & Compliance
The Regulatory & Compliance committee aims to: 1) Provide education or updates regarding significant regulatory trends inter-industry; 2) Share best practices for compliance counseling; 3) Stay abreast of appointments or elections of key regulators; 4) Establish a network of regulatory & compliance attorneys and compliance personnel, both in house and as outside counsel. Meeting dates will be determined.

Securities Law
The Securities Law Committee engages in the following activities; (1) it continuously reviews the present status of and new developments in, the federal and state securities law; (2) it conducts continuing education programs with respect to the federal and state securities laws; and (3) it reviews and comments upon proposed legislation and rule changes with respect to the federal and state securities laws. In addition to meeting as a whole, members are requested to participate on at least one subcommittee that addresses various substantive issues. Full descriptions of these subcommittees will be sent to all members applying for this committee. 

Securities Law - Investment Subcommittee

Social Security Law
The Social Security Law Committee is concerned with the present status and developments in the law, regulations and practice under the Social Security Act and reports to the Bar and public on changes. Its primary emphasis is on disability claims and administrative procedures involved in obtaining benefits to clients. 

Sports Law
The Sports Law Committee examines and discusses a myriad of legal and quasi-legal (e.g.,business) issues as they relate to amateur and professional sports.

State and Local Tax
The State & Local Tax Committee studies legislative, judicial and administrative developments in the state and local tax area, with special emphasis on Illinois income tax and all sales, use and other taxes, except real estate property taxes imposed by Illinois state and local governments. The committee analyzes and comments upon numerous tax bills introduced in the Illinois General Assembly and recommends legislation to improve the fairness or administration of Illinois tax laws. 

Tort Litigation
The Tort Litigation Committee: (1) keeps members current on issues in the day to day practice of tort litigation in Cook and surrounding counties; (2) studies and recommends changes to statues, and local and Supreme Court rules that affect the practices of tort litigators; and (3) engages in ongoing dialogue with representatives of the Cook County Court System to promote the effective and efficient administration of justice on tort law matters. The committee sponsors an annual seminar at the CBA; offers a speaker on a tort litigation topic each meeting; and studies and makes recommendations on tort litigation issues as requested by the CBA Board of Managers and the Cook County Circuit Court administration.

Trade and Professional Associations Law
The Trade & Professional Associations Law Committee considers legal problems confronting lawyers representing trade associations and professional societies from the standpoint of corporate, anti-trust compliance, federal tax exemptions, state law regulation of associations and societies. 

Traffic Laws
The Traffic Laws Committee reviews, evaluates and makes recommendations pertaining to traffic laws and to the established and proposed practice, procedures and facilities of traffic courts.

Trial Practice
The Trial Practice Committee will cover topics related to trial preparation and practice in monthly meetings, CLE seminars, networking and other programs. In addition to covering obvious trial-related topics, the committee will discuss innovative topics like storytelling and communication strategies, focus groups, legal technology and other related topics.

Trust Law
The Trust Law Committee studies estate planning problems and solutions, with particular emphasis on the use of trusts. It analyzes federal and state tax legislation, treasury regulations and cases insofar as they affect trusts and estate planning. It initiates and reviews state legislation dealing with trusts and their uses. The committee seeks to educate its members by regular seminars on trust administration and estate planning problems and solutions presented at monthly meetings. The committee also presents at least one CBA seminar each year.

Workers' Compensation
The Workers' Compensation Committee is concerned with the proper functioning of the Illinois Industrial Commission and reviews and makes recommendations as to the rules of practice and administration of the Commission. The committee reviews pending worker's compensation legislation and current appellate decisions and presents luncheon speakers on topics of current interest. 

Service Committees

Alliance for Women
The Alliance for Women works within the CBA to advance interests of women in the legal profession and the larger community. Through speaker forums, debates, meetings, networking events and direct community service, the Alliance brings together the talents of its diverse membership to implement strategies that effect change. Active subcommittees tackle issues including career advancement, balancing work with outside interests, cultural diversity, ending violence against women, community service, and equality in education. Through monthly meeting, an email network, the Alliance Newsletter, and the CBA Record, the Alliance keeps you in touch with information that is important to women in the law. 

Anti-Violence Task Force
The Anti-Violence Task Force will coordinate with representatives of various judicial and law enforcement agencies, city departments, and other community groups with two initial goals: (1) raise awareness of, have discussions with, and provide assistance to existing organizations designed to remedy the Chicago violence problem; and (2) encourage a productive dialogue between members of the CBA on various topics such as legislation, law enforcement methods and responses, rehabilitation, education, and victim support. After several of these meetings, the Anti-Violence Task Force hopes to facilitate connections between Chicago's legal community and these leaders and organizations to develop comprehensive strategies to prevent and reduce violence in areas of Chicago where it is most prevalent. By cultivating this network and creating opportunities for strategic development and collaboration focused on these matters, the Anti-Violence Task Force will empower members of the CBA to help address the growing violence plaguing the city's troubled areas. 

CBA Creative Writing
The Creative Writing Committee provides sharing and critiquing opportunities for lawyers interested in creating writing. Meetings will feature formal presentations by speakers who are knowledgeable about writing, submitting and publishing creative work, as well as member exchanges, allowing the group to explore new and better ways to further their writing goals. Discussions will also explore problems unique to practicing lawyers/creative writers who may face constraints and/or issues not applicable to wirters not bound by codes of ethics, ets..

CBA Wellness
The CBA Wellness Committee will work to reduce mental distress and substance abuse among the city's attorneys by providing programs and resources that promote mental, physical, and emotional well-being and help attorneys thrive. It will also work to reduce stigma surrounding these issues and collaborate with other organizations - such as the Illinois Lawyers' Assistance Progam and the Supreme Court's Commission on Professionalism--that are also working toward these objectives.

Committee on Ethnic and Racial Diversity
The Committee on Ethnic & Racial Diversity has a broad mandate to develop and support Association programs to further the following objectives: to enhance the professional standing and economic viability of minority lawyers in all areas of the legal community; to build awareness about the need for racial/cultural diversity within the legal profession; to assist various entities within the Association, as well as, law firms, law schools, etc. to promote and manage this diversity; and, to identify and address issues that affect Chicago's minority communities.

Continuing Legal Education
The Continuing Legal Education Committee plans and schedules seminars and workshops in various fields of law for the benefit of the members of the Association. The Committee advises the Director and the President on matters affecting compliance with Illinois Supreme Court MCLE Rules and changes thereto. It also hosts an annual Seminar Planning Workshop to advise and guide substantive committees in the delivery of CLE programs to the membership. 

Human Rights
The Human Rights Committee is to educate and inform attorneys and the community of human rights issues; to undertake human rights projects as interest and availability permit; and to serve as a bell wether and liaison on human rights issues and concerns.

Law and Literature
Through the Law and Literature Committee, lawyers and judges meet in an informal setting to discuss classic and contemporary literature. Readings include a stimulating list of plays, novels, and short stories, both fiction and non-fiction, as well as other readings. Discussions currently held at Cook County Law Library (Memorial Room).

Law Practice Management & Technology
The Law Practice Management & Technology Committee provides both live and electronic forums through which it addresses a variety of issues associated with a modern law practice, whether such be in a firm, corporate or governmental setting. Discussions and presentations tackle all areas of practice management through the use of technology.

Lawyer Referral Service
The Lawyer Referral Service Committee has the overall responsibility for the administration of the CBA's Lawyer Referral Service. Members of the committee consider inquiries of program participants and make recommendations on program policies and procedures.

Legal Aid
The Legal Aid Committee brings together representatives from legal aid and public interest organizations to address topics of common interest and to share information with one another. The Committee also works to further the understanding that each legal aid organization is part of a broader network in order to encourage collaboration and foster a sense of community.

Media Production
Members of the Media Production Committee, produce programs entitled "You and the Law" which may be viewed by the public on the Chicago Bar Association's website and YouTube. Members are not required to have any prior media production experience. "You and the Law" is a panel discussion program which provides information on various legal matters that are of significant interest to the general public and attorneys. The Media Production Committee's programs provide an opportunity for attorneys and judges to share their legal knowledge and experiences with the public on the popular medium of an internet video production.

Mindfulness and the Law
The committee will examine two questions: 1) what exactly is mindfulness, and 2) how can a mindfulness practice help us become more effective lawyers? Please note, meetings will begin in September 2016.

Professional Fees
The Professional Fees Committee concerns itself with problems arising from, and disputes relating to, professional fees, between clients and attorneys and arbitrates such disputes when the interested parties agree to submit to such arbitration. The committee also makes the preliminary investigations through hearings, ex parte if necessary, in suspected violations of disciplinary Rule DR 2-106 (Fees for Legal Services) and generally cooperates and coordinates its activities with the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. 

Professional Responsibility
The Professional Responsibility Committee prepares written opinions concerning professional conduct of lawyers, at the request of the Board of Managers, upon inquiry from members of the Bar, or upon the suggestion of members of the committee. Formal opinions of the committee of general interest to the profession may be published after approved by the Board of Managers. The committee does not deal with cases in which there are contested issues of fact and therefore, performs no investigative function. The committee may also engage in other activities to educate the Bar in matters respecting professional conduct, and on request, advises the Board of Managers as to positions the Board should take on matters relating to Professional Responsibilities. 

Solo/Small Firm Practitioners
The Solo/Small Firm Practitioners Committee provides information regarding the needs and concerns of solo and small firm practitioners. Areas of presentation include but are not limited to: client development, marketing, mentoring networks, practice checklists, personnel issues, office leases and other law practice management issues.

Unauthorized Practice & Multidisciplinary Practice
The Unauthorized Practice and Multidisciplinary Practice Committee reviews matters that involve (1) the unauthorized practice of law, including non-lawyer and multijurisdictional issues, and/or (2)the multidisciplinary practice of law. The committee reports on these matters to the Board of Managers and makes recommendations. 

Special Committees

CBA Chorus
The CBA Chorus Committee consists of all the participants in the CBA Chorus. We welcome all interested CBA members to join us. The CBA Chorus performs mostly classical choral works with an orchestra or piano accompaniment (sometimes a cappella). Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at either the CBA Building or the Daley Center, and public performances are scheduled from September through May and sometimes June. Auditions are not required to join the chorus. However, we prefer that members have previous choral or vocal experience. All members of the CBA are welcome to participate. We accept all individuals working in the legal profession, so do not hesitate to contact us about joining the chorus if you are a paralegal, legal assistant, or secretary. The Mission of the CBA Chorus is to promote and enhance the public’s understanding and image of the Chicago Bar Association by sharing the musical excellence of its members, perform 3-4 concerts a year and provide choral music for CBA-sponsored events, attract new members to the CBA by offering opportunities for civic involvement and artistic expression, complement the Chicago Bar Association Symphony Orchestra, and provide an opportunity for CBA members to exchange ideas and information through interaction in a social setting. 

CBA Record Editorial Board
The Editorial Board has responsibility for publishing the CBA Record, the Association's flagship publication. The Board supervises, assists and advises in the editing of the magazine and contributes or obtains articles of interest to the Association. Published ten times a year, the CBA Record delivers useful and timely case and legislative information, describes emerging issues and provides how-to advice and bar news. 

Eight O'clock Call

Entertainment (The Bar Show)
The Entertainment Committee is responsible for the production of the annual "Bar Show" and for providing entertainment for other bar related functions and civic organization during the year. The Bar Show is a musical comedy revue that pokes fun at local, state and national politicians, entertainment and sports celebrities, and others in the news. It is written, directed and performed by members of the Committee, with the aid of a professional orchestra, makeup team and choreographer, Committee members contribute their talents to the Show as writers, singers, dancers, actors, etc. Admission to the Committee for submission of written ideas for the Show is open to all members. Admission to the Committee as a performer is by audition only. Performers must commit to attending all rehearsals and performances. Further information regarding the Committee and audition dates may be obtained from the chair. 

The Finance Committee is responsible for carrying out the fiscal policy of the Board of Managers and reviews the Association's annual operating budget.

In-Court Lawyer Referral
The In-Court Lawyer Referral Committee has the overall responsibility of the administration of the CBA's Criminal In-Court Program. Members of the committee screen applicants, consider inquiries of program participants and make recommendations on program policies and procedures. 

Working with Chicago's religious community, the Interfaith Committee sponsors informative and educational programming on important legal and topical issues such as youth violence. It's members also may provide professional advice to religious organizations through meetings, events or publications.

Joint Task Force on Women and Aging
The Chicago Bar Association ("CBA") and the Women's Bar Association of Illinois ("WBAI") established the Joint Task Force on Women and Aging to address financial and health care concerns facing older women and women as they age. The multidisciplinary Task Force has addressed issues such as pension inequities impacting women; defined benefit versus defined contribution plans for retirement; a study of the social security system and how privatization may affect women; changes in laws that will improve financial security for divorced women; educational initiatives in health care; employment issues; financial exploitation of the elderly; and elder abuse. 

Judicial Evaluation
The Judicial Evaluation Committee (JEC) investigates and evaluates the qualifications of persons who seek, or who may be considered for nomination, election, appointment to or retention in judicial office. JEC operates under a special resolution of the Board of Managers, and consists of 168 members in Investigation and Hearing Divisions. Members are pledged to strict confidentiality, and terms are limited. Rigorous demands for attendance and strict confidentiality are enforced. Hearing Division members meet twice a week from 4:00 p.m. to about 7:00 p.m., and Investigation Division members often must meet demanding timetables. Depending upon requirements, the members will operate at high volume for three to six months of the year. 

Judicial Evaluation Committee Hearing Division

Judicial Evaluation Committee Investigation Division

Judicial Evaluation Appellate Review
The Judicial Evaluation Appellate Review Committee considers requests from candidates who appeal not recommended findings of the Judicial Evaluation Committee.

The Legislative Committee is charged with structuring and overseeing the Association's legislative program. The Committee has three essential functions: (1) consider and make recommendations to the Board of Managers on legislation drafted by CBA committees for inclusion in the Association's legislative program; (2) review committee recommendations for action on all legislation not sponsored by the CBA; and (3) provide technical research, drafting and informational assistance to CBA members and members of the Illinois General Assembly. The Legislative Committee works with legislative liasons appointed by CBA and YLS committees to assist them in learning about the legislative process to maximize the Association's effectiveness. 

The Membership Committee plans and oversees the Association's recruitment and retention efforts; develops member and non-member surveys; and reviews proposals for new member benefits.

Past Presidents
The Past Presidents Committee is comprised of former CBA Presidents who provide needed service upon request to the Officers and Board of Managers.

Public Affairs
The Public Affairs Committee works closely with the Director of Public Affairs to oversee CBA member and public communications priorities and goals, as well as development of communications messages, plans and strategies. The Committee also helps identify issues for CBA comment or action and assists the Director to achieve communications goals by advising and helping optimize resources both internal and external. 

Strategic Planning  

Symphony Orchestra
The CBA Symphony Orchestra Committee is designed for all CBA members who are interested in participating in an orchestra and performing as an orchestra or in smaller chamber ensembles. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evening at the Daley Center, and public performances are scheduled from September through May. Compact disc recordings will be made of selected performances. Committee members will be asked to make a contribution of $50 for students, $95 for regular members, and $125 for supporting members to help pay for the orchestra's professional conductor and other expenses of the orchestra. Auditions are not required, but openings in some sections may be limited due to the orchestra's musical staffing requirements. In general, the orchestra can usually accept additional string players and low brass players. Openings for woodwind instruments are very limited. Please inquire. 

Young Lawyers Section

YLS Bankruptcy
The Committee will continue its tradition of close contact with the practitioners and judges of the bankruptcy bar. The monthly informal luncheons are an excellent opportunity for an attorney to network, keep abreast of current issues in the law, and question prominent attorneys in the field. The Committee will sponsor two bankruptcy seminars. 

YLS Business Law: Litigation
The Business Law - Litigation Committee aims to serve the diverse needs of young corporate litigators - including those at small and large firms alike. The committee will sponsor two extended seminars on topics germane to our committee members' representation of closely held and public entities. The Committee will assist young lawyers in addressing the needs of their clients, developing professional skills, and making contacts in the Chicago legal community.

YLS Business Law: Transactional
The YLS Business Law Transactional Committee focuses on the formation, governance, and day-to-day legal challenges involving various entities such as a corporation, not-for-profit, partnership or LLC. Participating members will learn about traditional topics like how to start a new business, drafting & negotiating agreements, and handling mergers & acquisitions. Additionally, there will be opportunity to learn and discuss the issues that corporate clients frequently encounter involving such matters as: investing, fundraising, employment, intellectual property, privacy, confidentiality, fundraising, loans, insurance, and tax.

YLS Career Assistance
The Career Assistance Committee sponsors programs for lawyers of all levels of expertise facing career changes. The Committee addresses job search techniques, networking strategies, lateral transfers, alternative career options including contract, part-time and non-legal practice opportunities, stress management, and more. Members should also consult the CBA's Web site ( and its "Career Passport" section. 

YLS Civil Rights
The Civil Rights Committee focuses on exploring a multitude of views on a wide variety of legal issues that are currently at the forefront of civil rights jurisprudence. The Committee invites speakers to its monthly meetings to provide insight and practical guidance on pertinent legal issues related to civil rights litigation and mediation. We welcome practitioners, attorneys, judges, professors, and law students who are interested in discussing civil rights in the context of a broad range of practice areas.

YLS Creative Arts
The Committee provides an opportunity for young lawyers to learn about art and entertainment law topics from seasoned practitioners and members of the art community. We strive to create a friendly environment where members can share their experiences, garner valuable tips, and network. Topics for past luncheon meetings have included the right to publicity, film production agreements, and representing screen writers. The Committee also holds two seminars designed to provide practical advice on an important topic of art or entertainment law.

YLS Criminal Law
The Criminal Law Committee is concerned with a continuous review of the criminal justice system (including the public defender system) from the standpoints of the prevention of crime, the detection of crime, the apprehension of the offender, the operation of the judicial process until determination of guilt, disposition of the offender, operation of the correctional process and the restoration of the offender into society.

YLS Education Law
The YLS Education Committee aims to provide young practitioners with an opportunity to address and understand issues within the area of public education law at the pre-K, primary, secondary and post-secondary levels. The monthly meetings will offer presentations and discussions with practitioners regarding myriad topics, including labor relations, employment, special education, student discipline, student rights, policy development, board governance, funding issues, federal mandates, Illinois State Board of Education mandates and reporting requirements, and new school laws. The committee also address practice before federal and state agencies, such as the Office for Civil Rights, the Illinois Department of Human Rights and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board. 

YLS Environmental Law
The Environmental Law Committee provides information concerning the legal and scientific aspects of an environmental law practice. Such a practice can include litigation, transactional work, and counseling clients to comply with the complex regulatory and statutory scheme that seeks to control pollution, remediate contaminated property, and conserve and manage natural resources. The Committee also raises awareness of different career paths and provides career guidance to law students and young lawyers that are interested in environmental law.

YLS Estate Planning
Drafting an effective estate plan involves more than just using the latest form book or computer program. Today's estate planner must stay current with recent developments in Federal and state case law, tax law, and new planning techniques. Committee members discuss recent developments on a monthly basis over lunch prior to hearing a presentation on various estate planning topics such as: innovative drafting and succession techniques, trust administration, retirement planning, estate, gift & GST taxation and more. Presentations are typically given by experienced estate planners who share their insight on the practice and career development.

YLS Family Law
This Committee is geared to young family law practitioners. At informal monthly luncheon meetings, experienced and respected matrimonial attorneys, jurists, and experts will discuss everyday practical and legal aspects of practicing in this volatile and dynamic area of law. In addition, formal seminars will keep the young attorney apprised of current legal developments and the many sophisticated nuances of family law practice. Both the luncheon meetings and the seminars will provide an opportunity for young attorneys to interact with Chicago's family law associates and prominent family law attorneys and judges.

YLS Federal Taxation
The YLS Federal Taxation Committee provides a forum for young attorneys to become better acquainted with the complex area of federal taxation. We provide a starting point for our members to build a foundation in tax law, with the intent that most members will eventually 'graduate' to the regular tax committees at the CBA. Our monthly presentations touch all areas of the law, including estate planning, corporate representation, charitable issues, ethics, employment law, etc. Our members have an average of 3 - 5 years' experience, but all ages and experience levels are welcome to attend our meetings to help all members grow and learn about federal taxation.

YLS Health and Hospital Law
The Committee provides a forum for members to exchange viewpoints and keep up-to-date, by both committee members and guest speakers, on current legal issues and developments related to the health care community. In addition to monthly luncheon meetings and workshops, the Committee presents two seminars during the year, both of which provide in-depth reviews of timely health law providers (ie., physicians, hopsitals, and ancillary service providers) and payor and insuring arrangements (ie., PPO, HMO, PSO, and TPA). 

YLS In-House Counsel
The in-house counsel committee provides a forum for education, shared expertise, professional development and networking opportunities for in-house counsel. 

YLS Intellectual Property Law
The Intellectual Property Committee presents monthly talks and discussions on current developments on copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret law. Many talks also concern the nexus between the Internet and IP law. The meetings are not only for IP specialists but are also for general practitioners with an interest in this rapidly changing field.

YLS Labor and Employment Law
The Labor & Employment Law Committee is concerned with all legal issues that arise from or affect the employment relationship, including labor-management relations, personnel policies, discrimination claims and other state and statutory claims affecting employment. The committee also addresses practice and procedures before federal and state agencies, alternative dispute resolution forums, and the courts within which employment issues are resolved. 

YLS Law & Debate Club
The Committee coordinates the CBA Law & Debate Club, which sponsors lectures and activities for young men and women from Chicago-area high schools between the ages of 14 and 20 who are interested in careers in law and government. Members of the Committee meet with students every other Wednesday evening from September through April and facilitate role plays concerning legal and ethical questions. The programming features guest speakers from all facets of the legal profession and aims to help students improve important life skills, including public speaking, negotiation, debate and advocacy skills. 

YLS Law Student
Welcome to the Legal Profession! The CBA's Law Student Committee provides a forum for Chicago area law students to not only participate in CBA events, but also bring student issues to the attention of bar association leadership, make career contacts and learn more about the realities of practicing law. Each bar year, the Committee plans and hosts several annual events that area specifically designed for law students. In addition, law student members are encouraged to participate in the activities of the Young Lawyers Section, including its Pro Bono & Community Service Fair (October), Career Month (February), Government Service Career Fair (March), and much more. The Young Lawyers Section also hosts a monthly Social Hour at a local hot spot, which law student members are welcome to attend. Visit the Young Lawyers Section of the website for more details on its activities.   
YLS LEAD for Large/Medium-Sized Law Firms
The acronym L.E.A.D. stands for Lawyer Engagement and Development as the mission of the L.E.A.D. Committee is to provide programming and publish articles specifically geared toward the leadership development and engagement of large and mid-sized law firm associates. Meeting topics have ranged from cross selling strategies to grow your book of business, to large law firm economics, to developing a coveted expertise and more. The committee's monthly meetings are hosted in the offices of large law firms around the city or at the CBA Headquarters. 

YLS Moot Court Committee

The Moot Court Committee  runs the Annual Chicago Bar Association Moot Court Competition, held annually in November at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago. This nation-wide Competition allows students to represent their law schools while developing their appellate advocacy skills by preparing briefs on current legal issues confronting federal courts and arguing their positions before practicing attorneys and judges. Committee members create the appellate record, score and critique the briefs, recruit judges for oral arguments, and organize and manage the Competition.

YLS Professional Responsibility
In these times of increasing public criticism of the legal profession, we are seeing greater enforcement of the Rules of Professional Conduct by our courts and bar associations. Through meetings, seminars and discussions with other lawyers, the Committee will address the issues relating to the ethical proprieties of professional conduct of lawyers. The Committee will also review news and developments in the area of professional responsibility from court decisions, ethics opinions, and disciplinary proceedings.

YLS Public Outreach-Serving Our Seniors Subcommittee
The Public Outreach Committee serves as the YLS vehicle for delivery of free legal services to the public in certain areas. The Serving Our Seniors subcommittee currently oversees workshops for low income seniors through the Serving Our Seniors Program. Estate planning experience is not required as a training occurs before each workshop.

YLS Public Outreach-Wills for Heroes Subcommittee
The Public Outreach Committee serves as the YLS vehicle for delivery of free legal services to the public in certain areas. The Wills for Heroes subcommittee currently oversees workshops at which volunteer lawyers create free estate planning documents for emergency first responders through the Wills for Heroes Program. Estate planning experience is not required as a training occurs before each workshop.

YLS Real Estate Law
This Committee discusses basic issues in representing clients in property purchases, sales, ownership, and taxation, including condominiums and single family homes. In addition to extensive seminar offerings that address practitioners' concerns and basic principles of commercial and residential real estate transactions, the committee meets each month for special luncheon presentations by distinguished guest lecturers. Recent topics have included tax prorations, commercial real estate, TIFs, mortgage documents, building a real estate practice, negotiating real estate contracts, clearing title, and many more relevant topics for the newer real estate practitioner. Please note that this committee's October, December, February and April meetings will now take place at 5:15pm. 

YLS Social
The Committee arranges for gatherings of friends and colleagues at different festive locations in the Loop, River North or Lincoln Park. Socials are generally held on the second Thursday of each month. This is a great opportunity for young lawyers to unwind and relax after a busy day of legal work. Each social gathering lasts from approximately 6 to 8 p.m. and includes savory appetizers as well as discounted (and sometimes free) beverages. 

YLS Tort Litigation
The area of tort law covers a vast spectrum of problems and challenges. Practitioners may be faced with handling everything from a simple auto accident case to a class-action products liability lawsuit. Attorneys practicing in this area must become conversant in complex scientific principles and medical procedures and, in turn, must convey these concepts to a jury. Additionally, attorneys must be familiar with venue and jurisdictional rules, and be aware of any quirks in the local law. The Committee's purpose is to provide its members with the information necessary to pursue or defend their cases from the initial investigation of the case to its resolution. Monthly meetings keep attorneys current on new theories of liability and methods of practice and procedure. Luncheon and seminar speakers are drawn from the most notable members of the bench and bar. Please note that this committee's October, December, February and April meetings will now take place at 5:15pm.

YLS Women in the Law
The Committee sponsors an annual seminar that addresses women's issues within the legal, political, and societal arenas and provides a forum to discuss current issues affecting women. The Committee also runs a mentor program that joins new and experienced attorneys together in a mentoring relationship. The Committee further co-sponsors events throughout the year with organizations such as the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois, the Chicago Bar Association’s Alliance for Women, and the National Association of Women Lawyers. The Committee provides an excellent opportunity for women within the legal profession to meet other women in diverse practice areas, discuss issues of special interest to women, and be a strong voice within our community.